

Transforming lives through advancements in education, healthcare, child welfare, and family infrastructure.


Breaking the cycle of extreme poverty in developing countries.

Core values



Honesty and transparency are the cornerstones of our administration

Transparency-Honesty and transparency are the cornerstones of MRI. In a world of corruption, people want to know their funds are being used in an honest way to achieve measurable results. We hold organizations accountable and provide transparency for donors.



Great changes are accomplished through partnerships.

The world’s problems are too large for any one person, group or government. Many small organizations making positive impacts lack resources to continue or expand. We bring together those with resources and those in need to transform lives.



The family unit is the foundation of any society.

If marriages are strong, the children will be strong; if the children are strong, there is hope for the next generations. We support organizations that work toward healthy marriages and help parents in raising their children.


Quality of Life

All people should be given the opportunity to receive quality healthcare.

Many in poverty cannot afford basic medical services, medications, surgeries, etc. We partner with organizations that provide medical services to the poor to ensure their well-being.



Knowledge is a major force in combating poverty.

Educating people about worldproblems caused by poverty helps change thinking and bring action. When the poor are given education and training, it broadens their world view and opens new possibilities. We bring light to the issues of extreme poverty through seminars, conferences and other educational opportunities. We support organizations providing education and job training in developing countries.


Bringing Hope

Hope brings perseverance to overcome tough time.

Without hope, it is difficult to rise above hard circumstances — one feels defeat before even beginning. We seek to bring hope to the poorest of the poor by providing the resources they need letting them know they are not forgotten.


Honoring the Creator of the Universe

God created all people and loves all people.

The rich and the poor, young and old, men and women are all God’s creation. We are called to be His hands and feet, to show His love, and carry out His work in this world.